

Parent Education

Services and support to help parents better assist their children academically.

Children with special needs may have challenges that include learning needs, social development needs, and emotional or behavioral needs.  Parents, guardians, and caregivers often require training, coaching, and mentoring to develop an understanding of the unique characteristics of their child, and how to best assist him or her with daily learning and living activities.


special education support miami

Support & Training

Help your child the BECS way!

We help parents, guardians, and caregivers learn about the services and supports that may be available to them to assist their child.  We provide in-home or community-based parenting workshops and trainings, and we provide one-on-one assistance when requested. 


BECS consultants can also serve as parent liaisons to assist the parent with navigating school meetings and developing a successful partnership with school personnel and teachers. 

Learning Activities & Training

IEP Support

Allow the IEP experts at BECS to help you understand your child’s IEP goals, classroom and testing accommodations, educational services, and more!

Parent Liason

Preparing for your child’s IEP meeting or Parent-Teacher conference? The BECS team will help prepare you… so that you are fully prepared


Allow BECS to guide you through educational requirements. Guidance and mentorship programs for parents, students, and professionals

“It Takes a Village”

Parents, siblings, and other family members will enjoy this informative talk about some of the characteristics of children with special needs, learn how they can be supportive of one another, and share their thoughts and questions.

Ready, Set, Go!

In this relaxed discussion forum, parents of children in special education programs will have the opportunity to express their thoughts, ask big and small questions, and gain a better understanding of special education.

Help You Help Them

This interactive workshop offers practical tips and strategies parents can use right away to assist their school-age children through the learning process. The strategies and take-aways are appropriate to use with any child who may be facing learning challenges.

Unleash your child's potential!

Contact the professionals at BECS and begin the journey of unleashing your child's full potential.

Discover the Secrets to Raising Successful Kids!